Podcast – François Daoust

Hi everyone, We’re excited to announce our second interview in our podcast series with François Daoust! François completed his engineering physics degree in 2017 at Polytechnique Montreal, and is currently doing a PhD in biomedical engineering. His current thesis involves designing, developing and testing a surgical guidance system to help surgeons identify positive tumor margins …

Telemedicine Tips & Tricks – CSTAR x TiH

https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/84284595773?pwd=dHpqakpPaHhFeFVieFBHbkxxZGc5QT09&fbclid=IwAR1kCIY6eD8Fm10-hxmUbBl_P5U7VzB2ChffrpzFmgiQ5PaTptTSkUGarII#success Join us with Dr. Arsenault for on overview of the principles of telemedicine and learn to perform virtual encounters in TCP / Clerkship! Address your questions on issues surrounding telehealth and the future of its use!—[Date changée au 11 mai!]Venez nous joindre avec Dr. Arsenault pour un aperçu des principes de la télémédecine et …